jueves, 23 de enero de 2014

Wiki 1

Wiki 1 (Cristian Zamora, Mauricio Barrantes)
1.What is wikipedia?: wikipedia is a free open source encyclopedia which means that anyone can log on and add to it or edited. I has to 281 entreries in diferent languages.
2. What is a wiki?: Simple pieces of software that you can download for free. You can use them to set up a website that can be edited by anyone you like.
3. Who is Jimmy Wales?: The founder of the internet largest encyclopedia (Wikipedia).
4. What problem has Wikipedia had?: There are many who take advantage of wikipedia open system to deface, delete or push one side of views. Sometime extrange accions need to be taken. MIT study show that obcene coments randombly inserted in wikipedia are removed with in 100 seconds on average.
5. What criticisms has it faced?: In which two users with opposing views delete each other's assertions over and over.
6. What do people like about it?: It's and easy way to find information.

<ref>Page 24 - English in Common 6, Maria Victoria Saumell, Sarah Louisa Bichley.</ref>